Do you find yourself often struggling keeping your cool? You get frustrated, overwhelmed, over extended and end up screaming at your children. Stop right there, let me help!

Parenting is rough and at times can feel very overwhelming. The thought of being a perfect parent makes me cringe, however, we all still want to be perfect parents. It is our job to provide a safe, loving, and nurturing environment that allows children the chance to thrive.
Devote your full attention to your children if only for an hour. Set the phone to the side. You can do it!
As a mother, I always looked for fun activities for my children to do from a young age. Both of my children learned sign language and participated in hands-on activities as much as possible. However, that wasn’t new or unique. I felt like I was giving my children a chance to explore new worlds but I wasn’t pleased with the outcome. I decided to break away from the norm and to be intentional.

When we did different activities, I devoted my full attention and time to them. I went the extra mile and it really made all the difference. Instead of just teaching sign language I would pick a whole day where we only talked via signing. See, by itself the activity was great but taking it that extra lap made all the difference. To this day my kids still remember the fun we had that day.
Be intentional, run the extra lap!
If you really want to make a difference in your children’s lives be intentional, run the extra lap. You will find that not only are you making a difference for them, you are changing yourself into the parent God calls us to be. Philippians 3:14 tell us; I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. God has called you on this important journey be intentional and make the most of it.
Get Inspired
Take a leap of faith today. Break away from your bad habits and really devote time to focus on your children. Living intentionally isn't always easy. To be honest, it is so much harder to just give in to temptation. However, God chose you to care for his children until he all calls us home. Really focus on how you can become a better parent today. #Proverbsmom
I am so proud of you...conner you amaze me every you more than you could ever no. I never new that we could be so close as we are today. The good lord had to have done that cause we are so much anyway cant wait to follow your journey. Love always,your number 1fan love mom