What does it mean to be content? What does it mean to be intentional? How about putting those two words together? How do we become intentionally content.

In today's society it is tough to be content (being okay with what you have). You see something newer and immediately think that you need it. Why is that? What is inside of us that tells us we cannot be happy with what we have? It all goes back to Adam and Eve. That dang Eve made child birthing horrendous what else could she have done to make the lives of women harder? One word: #contentment. Eve wanted to be just like God. She wasn't okay with just living in the Garden and having everything at her finger tips. Neither are we. We are not content with a 2009 car, we want a 2018! Contentment is a daily struggle that can be hard to overcome, however, there is hope!
You don't need newer, bigger, or better despite the world telling you you do!
Being intentional means intending to do something or going the extra mile. To me this is means baking chocolate chip cookies and taking them to the little old lady down the street instead of eating them all myself. Admit it, we have all meant to do some good in our life but failed in the process #epicfail #chocolatechipcookies.

In the journey to find contentment we need to be intentional. We need to be happy with what we have on purpose. See, life is busy and overwhelming. You can feel like you are drowning at times and just need a little help. Really focus on slowing down and being happy with what God has given you. #blessed