I don't know about y'all but after we had kids it seemed like our stuff intake multiplied by a million! Seriously, we had stuff we didn't even know we had!

Welcome to Intentional Thee! I am so glad you are here today because you won't want to miss this! Today we are talking about clutter. Why is it that we live in a society that tells you that you need stuff to survive? You don't just need any stuff either, you need the latest, greatest, and most expensive stuff! Seriously, watch TV for five minutes and count how many commercials you see trying to sell you stuff?!
You don't need latest, greatest, and most expensive!
I don't know about y'all but Christmas time is the worst time in our house! My sweet mother loves Christmas. She loves to buy everyone everything they have ever wanted in their entire life! No, I am not kidding. It usually takes my reds three hours to open presents at Nana's house. Cue the overload of stuff. It didn't take us long before we realized we had way to much stuff! Seriously, you couldn't even walk in our kids rooms without plunging to your death or stepping on a leggo. We all know that pain too well! We finally said enough is enough and started getting rid of stuff. In that journey we decided to become #minimalists. Yes, you read that right. My family of four is literally getting rid of everything we own.

The process is quiet simple. Get rid of your stuff, all of it. We have donated so much that I am now on a first name basis at Hope's Closet. The goal to de-cluttering our lives is to put our focus on God and His plan for us not in stuff. See, the more we have the more it consumes us. We have to maintain our stuff, we have to get more stuff to complete our sets of stuff.
Geesh, this is exhausting!If we spend all of our time focusing on stuff then what does that leave time for? We have no time to devote to our family or our Father. The point, de-clutter your lives and shift your focus. Focus on the Lord and His plan for you. You'll find that your kids really don't need a million toys or books. Actually, they are more happy with just a few small meaningful toys that they can play with all the time! Teach them to go through and see what toys matter to them. Show them what it truly means to serve others by donating their toys to somebody in need. Lay the foundation for them to thrive and find their hope, peace, and love in the Lord.