Why does it seem like more and more children are being bullied in today's world? Why is childhood suicide level at an all time high?

Today, big red came home from church camp very upset. The girl she had played with yesterday and agreed to be her best friend told her today that they couldn't be friends anymore because she had another friend. My heart sank. The protective momma bear inside of me wanted to scream out loud and tell my daughter she should have hit the girl and ran away! However, I didn't. In fact this isn't something new for me to deal with. During the spring play big red was made fun of by a much older child because she stuttered during her line. This went on all through the school year. It seems the older big red gets the more problems she's having. The bottom line, kids are mean.
It isn't the same mean where a boy pulls a girls hair anymore. This level of mean is completely different.
The mean I am talking about is nothing short of verbal abuse coming from as young as five years old. My sweet precious daughter isn't perfect here either. A few weeks ago she told one of her good friends that she couldn't be friends with him anymore because she had a new friend. Again, my heart sank. Why in the world would she think this is acceptable to say to someone?! Who informed her that we treat people this way; as if they are old news and we need to move onto the latest and greatest people. She certainly didn't learn this from home. So where was she getting it? She is exposed to it on a daily basis.

The world isn't what is used to be anymore. We have kindergartners playing video games all hours of the day and night. We have preschoolers watching rated R movies. We have parents cussing at their children. We have parents simply not parenting at all. All of these factors form the typical American child. They aren't taught morals or values and they are basically raising themselves. Add in the media and TV shows throwing newer, bigger, better down your throat and you have a typical child.
So what are we to do? We go to church regularly, send our kids to private school, we read the Bible together, we talk about feelings, we do everything we can to teach morals and values to our children. It's not enough though. We have to guide them and lead them through the good, bad, and ugly. Through this process we can pour scripture into their hearts and remind them how Jesus showed never ending love to everyone even those who nailed Him to a cross. So today, I didn't tell Big Red to hit that little girl in the face. I told her to love her. I told her to tell that little girl who was so cruel to her that Jesus loves and is a friend to everyone no matter what. Then I did the most important thing of all I filled her heart with scripture:
John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Even when others are unkind, even when they make fun of you remember you are to love them unconditionally just as Jesus does you. This was also a very humbling experience because I was able to relate back to a few weeks ago when she told her sweet friend she could no longer play with him. She was able to connect his feelings with the feelings that she had today and I hope the message rang loud and clear.
Parents, wake up. Today and future generations of children have taken the level of mean to an all new standard. It is our job to train them to love everyone no matter what. If someone is unkind shower them with love because that's what our heavenly father calls us to do. Get off the ipad, video games, tv screen and breathe the breath of love into your child.
a loving momma bear