We have officially been moved into our Keystone Cougar for two months. Believe it or not we are still loving this life style!

Can y'all believe it? It's been two months since we moved in permanently and boy have we learned a lot! As we were finishing up cleaning out our apartment I realized that we still had so much stuff that simply wasn't going to fit into the camper. My husband quickly became overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we still had to go through. Yes, I had started downsizing in July when we decided this was the route we were going to take but over the course of a year in a apartment we had added to our collection of "things." As we went through every piece of paper and every baking pan I remember telling my husband this:
"We don't need any of this, donate it all. Our happiness, our life, cannot be defined by things. We have to find our joy in the life that God has blessed us with and not the things."
It finally hit home for him. See, he was struggling to get rid of things while I was willing and ready to let them go. Why did my husband struggle so badly? Because those were his things. He had worked hard and bought those items and they were special to him. Did he ever use them? No, most of them he hadn't used since he bought them. Isn't that a common struggle for most though? We work hard and save up our money to buy something we desperately think we need only to purchase the item and figure out that we really didn't need it however we aren't ready to part with it.
Makes perfect sense, right?
Fast forward to the last day in the apartment. Our sweet friends brought over their moving truck and we donated the last huge load to a local charity. That was it. We turned in the keys and full time RV life kicked in.

The first few nights were rough. We were trying to unpack and get adjusted to the new lifestyle. Our kids adjusted right away. They have their own back bedroom which looks like this scroll through all the pictures!
And they LOVE it! Yes, we did some modifications from the way the camper originally looked. It had three bunk beds but we realized removing one would really open up the space and make the room look a lot bigger! My husband also built a ladder and a bed rail to keep the littles from falling off when they decided to sleep up on the top bunk. They love their room and I love the perfect amount of space it provides for them!

We are still decorating and finishing a few projects that will just add the extra "homey-feel" and will update pictures as we finish.

However we LOVE this lifestyle. Why you ask? Because less is more. Our hearts are full every single day. We have the freedom to come home and play board games, play outside, just be present in the lives of our children. We do not have to worry about working overtime to pay our bills. We don't have a huge to-do list that keeps us busy till bedtime. We don't have to spend hours a day cleaning a huge house.
We have time to make precious memories that will last a lifetime.

Life is not always cupcakes and rainbows though! There are some challenges we face full time RVing! I will fill you in on those things soon!
Do you full time RV? Do you dream of a simple lifestyle that allows you not only financial freedom but the ability to make beautiful memories? Let me know where you are in your journey!