You only work half of the year. Aren't you like a babysitter? You get five breaks a day. How hard is it to teach somebody to sit in their seat and listen?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have been told one of those facts. I say facts because that is what most people believe teachers are. We are babysitters who simply babysit kids all day. Honestly, I wish that's all I was but simply put, teachers are everything.
We do not work 8-4 and our day is done. We arrive early and stay late to make sure all of your precious children's papers are graded. We arrive early and stay late to make sure the room is ready for tomorrow. To remember that little Timmy has a food allergy and we need to make sure he doesn't sit by Holly because she always brings cheese.
See, teaching is much more than teaching children how to obey, it is more than teaching curriculum, it has evolved into teaching children how to be children. Sadly, the world we are presently in is broken. Children are no longer coming from two parent homes where the mother stays home to play the maternal role. We have children coming into the classroom with more baggage than you and I could ever comprehend. How do you give a child a spelling test who was up until midnight taking care of her baby-sister because her mom was working late trying to provide for them? How do you teach little Timmy about math facts when he first needs to learn that it is not okay to hit girls even though he sees his daddy do it every night. Do you see my point?
Teachers are no longer teaching curriculum we are teaching children to be children. We are teaching morals and values. We are teaching what is appropriate and what isn't because parents are no longer parenting. Some are unable to gain control of their situation. Some sit their child in front a screen and expect the screen to some how instill morals and values. Some are so busy and consumed with themselves that they simply don't have time to focus on their precious offspring. America wonders why testing scores are dropping at an extremely high rate look at what you are asking of teachers? Some teachers might say, "If we were paid more we could do a better job of teaching." To that I say crap. Any teachers knows that you do not simply become a teacher for the fame and glory. While money is nice and essential, it should not control your life. I teach because it is what God has called me to do.
I am not simply a babysitter who works half of the year, I am a teacher.
I am instilling a love of learning into each child I see every day. I am teaching morals, values, appropriate behavior, compassion, kindness, gentleness, curriculum. I stay late and come early. I study, prepare, lesson plan, pour my heart and soul into my classroom, on weekends. Y'all I cannot even put into words what I and so many fellow teachers do in one week. Why do we do this? It is not because we make the big bucks or because we want the recognition of all of our accomplishments. It is because we love your child. We want to see your sweetheart succeed in leaps and bounds. We want the anxiety and fear to leave them. We want them to be confident in their abilities. We want them to love learning and to fulfill God's plan for them. Simply put, we love your child as much as you love them.
So, thank a teacher. The next time you see your child's teacher thank them. Thank them for pouring their love and soul into your beautiful gift from God. Thank them for dedicating their precious time to specifically meet the needs of your child. Thank them for being a teacher.