The number one question we get from people who are curious about this journey we are on is, "What do your kids think?" We have been open and honest from the beginning with them and have had several talks about how they feel about this journey.

First off you need to know that if you, as parents, express excitement for something your kids will feed off of that excitement. Naturally, I get super excited for anything and everything. To say I am excited for this journey to begin would be an understatement. My excitement has poured into our children and they couldn't be more thrilled! My husband and I have taken the time to really explain to the kids what we are doing here and why it is important to have less stuff.
The less you have the more your able to focus on what really matters.
Our kids are fully aware that mommy and daddy are more than capable of buying a beautiful home and filling it with a bunch of stuff! However, they know that we don't want that lifestyle. We have explained to them that the less material things we have the more we can focus on what is truly important to us. With that being said we have begun to downsize the kids bedrooms, specifically their toys. I know you must be thinking to yourself I am sure this didn't go over well! Actually, you are wrong! We sat down with each kid and went through their entire toy box together. They were able to pick out what was important to them and what they wanted to donate. Yes, our three year old son understood that he didn't need fifty stuffed animals he could donate those to children who don't have any.
Did you catch that? Our toddler made that connection just simply by us including him. He felt important, he felt like his opinion mattered and it made the process of de-cluttering beautiful. Our daughter was the same way. She freely gave almost all of her toys up knowing that the memories we will make will far outweigh any amount of toys they could ever have. My heart feels like it could burst at any minute knowing that my children are beginning to understand that there is more to life than having stuff. Here are some fun Q&A sessions we did with them.
Q: What are you most excited for?
Big Red: I am excited for camping and having smores
Little Red: I am excited to live in a camper.
Q: How do you feel about giving up your toys?
Big Red: Good because some kids in other states don't have toys.
Little Red: Happy.
The fun doesn't stop there! Head on over to our youtube channel to see our reds answering questions on video!