We've been full time RV living for five months now. The secret to thriving in 300 square feet? One magical compound word. Outside.

*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links that I may receive a small commission from. These links are at no cost to you. Don't worry these are products that I have and use daily. I wouldn't recommend buying a $30 Disney Bubble Wand if it really didn't withstand daily use from my toddler.*
Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE cuddling on the couch, eating popcorn, and watching a movie! In fact, this is where you can find me most nights after the kids are in bed. However, when you have two very active little children and don't allow much screen time a day it requires you to get creative!
Creative you say? Whatsoever does that mean? Pay close attention----it means---
Get out of your house!!
That's right. The secret is to go outside. Whatsoever will I do outside though you say?
You will allow your children to be children.
The list is never-ending with things you can do outside but here are a few of my favorites:
1. Ride bicycles (Big Red is currently learning to ride with no training wheels. Y'all pray for me. Pray that I can keep running beside her and throw my body onto the road to protect her from hitting the ground. Seriously though, this mom is out of shape!)
2. Bubbles! Yes--you heard that right! We love bubbles!! When we were at Disney World in January (don't worry I'll post more on that later) I splurged and bought two stupidly expensive bubble wands that light up. You know what? The kids play with those suckers every single day. We even turn blowing bubbles into fun games such as--who can blow the biggest, who can run the fastest while blowing bubbles? Here are the links for the cute bubble wands we purchased at Disney and a cheap refillable jug we use to fill them back up (I know they are expensive but they lasted through the entire Disney trip and playing outside with them everyday).
3. Local playground. We are blessed to have a playground onsite where we stay. It is equipped with a slide, swings, money bars, and a ship that turns into a pirate ship with a big bad sea monster who is constantly trying to drag it to the depths of the sea.
4. Scavenger Hunts--This is one of our favorites! We love to go looking for things. Sometimes we will even make maps and find the clues to reveal the treasure!
5. Walks/Runs/Digging in the dirt--you know what's healthy? Any type of physical exercise and digging in the dirt! Why not go for a run or walk? We like to play dress up when going on these little outings. It truly makes it so much more fun to add a costume to life!

Yes, those are the costumes that we got a Disney World when the kids did the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Word to the wise...buy them before you go! Seriously, here is the link from Amazon buy the dress online and save a ton of $$$.
You know what all things outside equal...tired children! Tired children==early bed times and no fighting over falling asleep (Does this happen at anyone else's house? But I'm not tired. I need a drink. I'm hungry. You didn't give me a kiss. The list is never ending)!
Which in return equals some nice quiet time for the parents!
Those are just a few of our favorite things. When you are limited on the amount of square feet that you live in going outside everyday is an absolute must! Even when it's cold or hot we are still outside. It is through our downsizing journey that we have truly learned to appreciate every second we have to spend with our blessings.
What do you like to do outside? Do you have any favorite games to play?