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Every Moment Matters Giving Up the American Dream Part 2

Writer's picture: Conner PabstConner Pabst

You've read the post, you know for a fact that we've lost our minds. Why would you subject your kids to torture, or yourselves for that matter?! Wait, you are going to do what?

Yes, we've lost our minds y'all. Literally. A few weeks ago I posted about giving up on the American dream. We had the big fancy house, the luxurious cars, brand new everything. We said NO MORE. No more to debt, no more to keeping up with people we don't even know let alone like. We have this crazy notion that you don't have to pay thirty years to officially own your house. You can actually pay cash for your house. Wait, what?! Yes, you CAN pay cash for your house!!

Our motto is, as Dave Ramsey says it, If you can't pay cash for it you can't afford it!!

So that's what we do. Y'all we have less than $10,000 in debt left and we will be completely debt free! Yes, I could scream it from the roof top! We started over $369,000 in debt. No, I didn't put the comma in the wrong place y'all. We are so close we can taste financial freedom!!

Fast forward to our plan--giving up on the American Dream.

We are less then thirty-days away from moving into our tiny home, which just so happens to be a camper.

Wait, what?

Yes, you read that correctly. We are moving our family of four into a camper full-time. Why would you do such a thing?! Um, have you priced renting houses or apartments? In our area you pay $1,500+ just for a 900 square foot apartment, that's if you want to live in a dangerous neighborhood. Y'all we aren't doing that, no thanks!

We are down to a few items to sell and then we will be paying cash for our RV.

Will it be the nicest RV on the block? No way!

Will it be functional and livable for our family? Yes!

Will we be making precious memories as a family? Yes!

You call us crazy we call it having gazelle intensity.

What if you could have a functional place to live and save the monthly mortgage payments?

What would you do with $1,500+ a month?

Stay tuned to see what we plan on doing with our extra $1,500+ a month!

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